Extending Scikit-Learn with CHAID models

Scikit-Learn uses the Classification and Regression Trees (CART) algorithm for growing its decision trees. This choice is driven by high conceptual compatibility between the two (preference towards dense numeric datasets), ease of implementation, and good performance characteristics.

The CART algorithm is so ingrained into the current code and data structures of the sklearn.tree module, that adding support for alternative algorithms has effectively been ruled out of the project roadmap.

CART limitations

Scikit-Learn decision trees suffer from several functional issues:

The CART algorithm is therefore rather sensitive towards the composition of the dataset. It performs best with dense continuous features, and worst with sparse categorical features. The worst imaginable candidate would be a sparse high-cardinality categorical feature, where category levels are not independent of one another, but aggregate into a number of clusters (eg. USPS ZIP Code).

If the dataset is rich in complex features, then it will be smart to explore alternative algorithms such as CHAID, C4.5 or C5.0.

CHAID implementation

At the time of writing this (July 2022), there are no suitable Scikit-Learn extension packages available. The workaround is to choose a Python-based algorithm package, and then integrate it with Scikit-Learn by ourselves.

Chi-Squared Automatic Inference Detection (CHAID) is one of the oldest algorithms, but is perfectly fine for use in the most demanding applications. Its success and versatility hinges on the fact that it operates with categorical (aka nominal) features. If a dataset contains continuous features, then they need to be analyzed and discretized externally.

Arguably, it is much easier to discretize continuous features (ie. CHAID requirement) than to normalize categorical features (ie. CART requirement). Discretization methods range from simple uni- and multivariate statistics to complex optimizers such as the optbinning package.

A single continuous feature may be discretized using different discretization methods and parameterizations. One end of the spectrum is binning into two classes (aka thresholding). The other end is performing an operational type cast from continuous to categorical, so that the number of bins equals the number of unique feature values in the training dataset.

Missing values are treated as a special category level. During splitting, they can form a standalone branch, or be aggregated with other category levels.

Decision tree algorithms do not care if the training dataset contains multiple collinear features, so there is no practical reason to withhold from experimenting with multiple competing feature transformations. If two or more features appear collinear for some subset (ie. not collinear for the training dataset as a whole, but collinear for some segment of it), then the winner is picked randomly.

The CHAID package provides the CHAID.Tree class, which codifies a complete and highly parameterizable CHAID algorithm implementation. However, its API is rather uncommon and lacks some key interactions points.

The sklearn2pmml package version 0.84 provides sklearn2pmml.tree.chaid.CHAIDClassifier and sklearn2pmml.tree.chaid.CHAIDRegressor models, which make the CHAID.Tree class embeddable into Scikit-Learn pipelines, and commandable via familiar fit(X, y) and predict(X) methods.


The CHAIDEstimator.fit(X, y) method assumes that all columns of the X dataset are categorical features. If the X dataset contains continuous features (eg. a float or double column, with many distinct values) then they shall be automatically casted to categorical features.

However, it is advisable to make this conversion explicit by passing all features through the sklearn2pmml.decoration.CategoricalDomain decorator:

from sklearn_pandas import DataFrameMapper
from sklearn2pmml.decoration import CategoricalDomain

def make_passthrough_mapper(cols):
  return DataFrameMapper(
    [([col], CategoricalDomain()) for col in cols]

For example, it is possible to apply CHAIDClassifier directly to the raw “iris” dataset:

from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn2pmml import sklearn2pmml
from sklearn2pmml.pipeline import PMMLPipeline
from sklearn2pmml.tree.chaid import CHAIDClassifier

iris_X, iris_y = load_iris(return_X_y = True, as_frame = True)

def make_classifier(max_depth = 5):
  config = {
    "max_depth" : max_depth
  return CHAIDClassifier(config = config)

pipeline = PMMLPipeline([
  ("mapper", make_passthrough_mapper()),
  ("classifier", make_classifier(max_depth = 3))
pipeline.fit(iris_X, iris_y)

sklearn2pmml(pipeline, "CHAIDIris.pmml")

The eventual type definitions of fields are easy to verify by opening the PMML document in a text editor, and inspecting DataField@optype and DataType@dataType attribute values.

For example, the /PMML/DataDictionary element for the “CHAIDIris” model contains three field declarations - one for the target field, and two for input fields:

  <DataField name="target" optype="categorical" dataType="integer">
    <Value value="0"/>
    <Value value="1"/>
    <Value value="2"/>
  <DataField name="sepal width (cm)" optype="categorical" dataType="double">
    <Value value="2.0"/>
    <Value value="2.2"/>
    <Value value="2.3"/>
    <!-- omitted 19 intermediate Value elements -->
    <Value value="4.4"/>
    <DataField name="petal length (cm)" optype="categorical" dataType="double">
    <Value value="1.0"/>
    <Value value="1.1"/>
    <Value value="1.2"/>
    <!-- omitted 39 intermediate Value elements -->
    <Value value="6.9"/>

The category levels that are listed under a DataField element fully define the valid value space for that field. Any attempt to evaluate a model with an unlisted input value shall fail with a value error.

If the goal is to preserve the “normalcy” of continuous features, and even allow for some interpolation and extrapolation, then they should be binned into (temporary-) categorical features. Scikit-Learn provides the slearn.preprocessing.KBinsDiscretizer transformer, which can learn bin edges based on common statistical procedures.

No matter which binning strategy is chosen, the results should be encoded using the ordinal encoding method. The reason for this is maintaining feature’s integrity. Ordinal encoding yields a single categorical integer feature, whereas one-hot encodings yield many binary indicator features. The CHAID algorithm cannot (re-)aggregate binary indicators into larger chunks based on their parent, and would therefore resort to generating CART-style binary splits (signalling if a particular category level is “on” or “off”), instead of proper CHAID-style multy-way splits.

from sklearn.preprocessing import KBinsDiscretizer
from sklearn2pmml.decoration import CategoricalDomain, ContinuousDomain

def make_mapper(cat_cols, cont_cols):
  return DataFrameMapper(
    [([cat_col], CategoricalDomain()) for cat_col in cat_cols] +
    [(cont_cols, [ContinuousDomain(), KBinsDiscretizer(n_bins = 5, encode = "ordinal", strategy = "quantile")])]

The KBinsDiscretizer transformer is currently unable to deal with missing values. The suggested workaround is to emulate its statistical procedure(s) in a missing value-aware way, and then use the learned bin edges for parameterizing a general-purpose sklearn2pmml.preprocessing.CutTransformer transformer:

def make_sparse_mapper(df, cat_cols, cont_cols):
  binners = dict()
  for cont_col in cont_cols:
    bins = numpy.nanquantile(df[cont_col], q = [0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 1.0])
    # Deduplicate and convert from Numpy scalar float to Python float
    bins = [float(bin) for bin in dict.fromkeys(bins)]
    labels = list(range(0, len(bins) - 1))
    binners[cont_col] = CutTransformer(bins = bins, labels = labels)

  return DataFrameMapper(
    [([cat_col], CategoricalDomain()) for cat_col in cat_cols] +
    [([cont_col], [ContinuousDomain(), binners[cont_col]]) for cont_col in cont_cols]


The CHAID.Tree class is a data exploration and mining tool. It does not provide any Python API for making predictions on new datasets (see Issue 128).

Instead of extending the sklearn2pmml.tree.chaid.CHAIDEstimator base class with custom prediction methods, it is much easier to export the core decision tree data structure in Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) representation, and make predictions using a PMML engine instead.

Conversion to PMML:

from sklearn2pmml import sklearn2pmml
from sklearn2pmml.pipeline import PMMLPipeline

pipeline = PMMLPipeline([
  ("mapper", make_mapper(...)),
  ("estimator", make_chaid_estimator(...))
pipeline.fit(X, y)

sklearn2pmml(pipeline, "CHAID.pmml")

When it comes to PMML engines, then the JPMML-Evaluator library is miles ahead of competition in terms of maturity, quality of design and engineering, and plain performance figures. The core library is written in Java, but there are easy integrations available for most common ML frameworks.

Python users can install and use JPMML-Evaluator as the jpmml_evaluator package.

The JPMML-Evaluator API distinguises itself from Scikit-Learn conventions by calling its main entry point method Evaluator.evaluate(X). This distinction is necessary to communicate that JPMML-Evaluator uses a simpler and more economical “business logic”, where all prediction aspects are computed and exposed simultaneously.

A decision tree classifier has three main prediction aspects:

  1. predict(X) - The class of the winning node.
  2. predict_proba(X) - The class probability distribution of the winning node.
  3. apply(X) - The index of the winning node.

The Evaluator.evaluate(X) method accepts a pandas.DataFrame object, and returns a new pandas.DataFrame object, which packs all three prediction aspects.

For maximum portability, PMML input and result fields are identified by name, not by position. The complete information (name, type, value space, etc.) about individual fields can be queried from the underlying model schema using Evaluator.getInputFields() and Evaluator.getTargetFields() methods.

The fact that PMML is a strongly typed language can be used for performing additional data sanity and consistency checks when crossing important boundaries.

The case in point is the encoding of missing values. Python APIs are typically pretty lax around here. For example, a dataset may have an object data type column, which contains a mix of string, None and NaN values:

import numpy

X = numpy.asarray(["puppy", None, float("NaN")])

This kind of morphism (type and value auto-conversions) is beyond PMML tolerance.

Specifically, PMML uses a system where values are assigned to valid, invalid and missing value spaces for data validation and pre-processing purposes. The NaN value is assigned to the invalid value space (ie. a reserved floating-point constant that “short-circuits” arithmetic operations at software and/or hardware layers). A model shall reject any evaluation requests that contain invalid values by throwing an org.jpmml.evaluator.InvalidResultException with a message like Field <name> cannot accept user input value "NaN".

Data validation errors could be solved by editing model files and activating value replacements and/or value space conversions for the affected fields. However, it would be more sustainable to deal with the real source of problems, which is about Python’s bad habit of using the NaN value to denote missing values even in non-numeric columns.

Canonicalizing a dataset by replacing all NaN values with None values:

import numpy
import pandas

df = pandas.read_csv(...)
df = df.replace({numpy.nan: None})

The PMML representation of Scikit-Learn pipelines is completely free from any Scikit-Learn extension package dependencies. The deployment environment only needs to declare a jpmml_evaluator dependency. It is advisable to always be using the latest version, as newer versions deliver more and improved Python-to-Java connectivity options, and overall better user experience.

Loading and evaluating a model:

from jpmml_evaluator import make_evaluator

import pandas

# Load model
evaluator = make_evaluator("CHAID.pmml") \

# Load and canonicalize arguments
df = pandas.read_csv("input.csv", sep = "\t", na_values = ["N/A", "NA"])
df = df.replace({numpy.nan: None})

# Evaluate
df_pred = evaluator.evaluateAll(df)

# Save results
df_pred.to_csv("output.csv", sep = "\t", index = False)

