Measuring the memory consumption of Scikit-Learn models

The size of Python objects has two components - the size of the instance state, plus the size of the Python system overhead state.

The size of the instance state (in bytes) can be measured using the __sizeof__() method. This method was introduced in Python 2.6, and should have canonical implementations available for all built-in types by now. Sadly, popular extension packages have been rather slow in adopting it.

The size of the Python system overhead state cannot be measured directly. It can be calculated by measuring the total size of a Python object using the sys.getsizeof(obj) function, and then subtracting the size of the instance state from it. Typically, it is zero for primitive types and 16 bytes for reference types.

Scikit-Learn estimators do not (yet-) support the __sizeof__() method

Can the in-memory size of Scikit-Learn estimators be measured using the __sizeof__() method or not?

As of Scikit-Learn version 1.1(.3), the answer appears to be “no”, because the following code keeps printing a constant value of 24 or 32 bytes (depending on the Python version) for a wide variety of transformer and model types:

from sklearn.datasets import make_regression
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor

X, y = make_regression(n_samples = 10000, n_features = 10)

estimator = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators = 31, random_state = 13), y)

print("Initial state: {} B".format(estimator.__sizeof__())), y)

print("Final fitted state: {} B".format(estimator.__sizeof__()))

The most damning evidence is that the reported size of the estimator object does not change after it has been fitted.

Scikit-Learn estimator instance state

Scikit-Learn estimators can exist in two instance states:

  1. Initial state. Contains learning instructions.
  2. Final fitted state. Contains initial learning instruction, a defensive copy of “employed” learning instructions, plus the full specification of the newly-learned function.

The state change happens when the estimator object is fitted by calling its fit(X, y) method. A fitted estimator object can be re-fitted multiple times. It is rather uncommon to do so, but technically it simply overwrites the previous fitted state with a new one.

According to Scikit-Learn conventions, end users can distinguish between these two instance states by checking if the estimator object has any attributes that end with a trailing underscore.

With Python being a loosely typed language, it is impossible to write a universal code snippet that could automatically identify and demarcate the instance state of all naturally occuring Python objects. However, such code snippet can be written for Scikit-Learn estimators, because they tend to follow a fairly strict and consistent class layout.

Algorithm for collecting actual instance attributes:

  1. List all attributes using the dir(obj) function.
  2. Exclude attributes which are not set for the current object. An attribute which is explicitly set to a None value survives.
  3. Exclude Python system attributes.
  4. Exclude callable (ie. function and method) attributes.
  5. Exclude property attributes.


import types

def is_instance_attr(obj, name):
  if not hasattr(obj, name):
    return False
  if name.startswith("__") and name.endswith("__"):
    return False
  v = getattr(obj, name)
  if isinstance(v, (types.BuiltinFunctionType, types.BuiltinMethodType, types.FunctionType, types.MethodType)):
    return False
  # See
  attr_type = getattr(type(obj), name, None)
  if isinstance(attr_type, property):
    return False
  return True

def get_instance_attrs(obj):
  names = dir(obj)
  names = [name for name in names if is_instance_attr(obj, name)]
  return names

In this point, there is some hope that the missing BaseEstimator.__sizeof__() method can be emulated by iterating over the values of actual instance attributes, and summing their sizes:

def sklearn_sizeof(obj):
  sum = 0
  names = get_instance_attrs(obj)
  for name in names:
    v = getattr(obj, name)
    v_type = type(v)
    v_sizeof = v.__sizeof__()
    sum += v_sizeof
  return sum

print("Instance state: {} B".format(sklearn_sizeof(estimator)))

Unfortunately, closer inspection of RandomForestRegressor attributes reveals serious issues and irregularities:

Attribute type(v) v.__sizeof__()
_abc_impl _abc._abc_data 48
_estimator_type str 58
_required_parameters list 40
base_estimator sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeRegressor 24
base_estimator_ sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeRegressor 24
bootstrap bool 28
ccp_alpha float 24
class_weight NoneType 16
criterion str 62
estimator_params tuple 104
estimators_ list 296
max_depth NoneType 16
max_features float 24
max_leaf_nodes NoneType 16
max_samples NoneType 16
min_impurity_decrease float 24
min_samples_leaf int 28
min_samples_split int 28
min_weight_fraction_leaf float 24
n_estimators int 28
n_features_in_ int 28
n_jobs NoneType 16
n_outputs_ int 28
oob_score bool 24
random_state int 28
verbose int 24
warm_start bool 24

First, nested estimator objects (base_estimator and base_estimator_ attributes) still contribute a constant value of 24 or 32 bytes. Second, built-in iterable types such as list and tuple appear to mis-represent their in-memory size. The situation is understandable for a list of estimator objects (the estimators_ attribute) but defies all expectations for a list of Python strings (the _required_parameters attribute) or a tuple of Python strings (the estimator_params attribute). Third, non-Python objects (eg. Cython and NumPy types) contribute constant values of around one hundred bytes.

The solution is to define a custom “sizeof” function, and apply it (recursively-) to all objects in the object graph.

import numpy

def deep_sklearn_sizeof(obj, verbose = True):
  # Primitive type values
  if obj is None:
    return obj.__sizeof__()
  elif isinstance(obj, (int, float, str, bool, numpy.int64, numpy.float32, numpy.float64)):
    return obj.__sizeof__()
  # Iterables
  elif isinstance(obj, list):
    sum = [].__sizeof__() # Empty list
    for v in obj:
      v_sizeof = deep_sklearn_sizeof(v, verbose = False)
      sum += v_sizeof
    return sum
  elif isinstance(obj, tuple):
    sum = ().__sizeof__() # Empty tuple
    for i, v in enumerate(obj):
      v_sizeof = deep_sklearn_sizeof(v, verbose = False)
      sum += v_sizeof
    return sum
  # Numpy ndarrays
  elif isinstance(obj, numpy.ndarray):
    sum = obj.__sizeof__() # Array header
    sum += (obj.size * obj.itemsize) # Array content
    return sum
  # Reference type values
    clazz = obj.__class__
    qualname = ".".join([clazz.__module__, clazz.__name__])
    # Restrict the circle of competence to Scikit-Learn classes
    if not (qualname.startswith("_abc.") or qualname.startswith("sklearn.")):
      raise ValueError(qualname)
    sum = object().__sizeof__() # Empty object
    names = get_instance_attrs(obj)
    if names:
      if verbose:
        print("| Attribute | `type(v)` | `deep_sklearn_sizeof(v)` |")
      for name in names:
        v = getattr(obj, name)
        v_type = type(v)
        v_sizeof = deep_sklearn_sizeof(v, verbose = False)
        sum += v_sizeof
        if verbose:
          print("| {} | {} | {} |".format(name, v_type, v_sizeof))
    return sum

The in-memory size of Numpy array objects is calculated using an approximation, where the number of array slots is multiplied by the size of an idealized array element. This approximation is totally safe and appropriate, because Scikit-Learn only deals with dense 2-D and 3-D Numpy arrays of primitive values.

The deep_sklearn_sizeof(obj, verbose) utility function may look a bit clumsy, but its runtime behaviour is just fine, as estimator objects are rather narrow and shallow (ie. low number of attributes, low nesting depth).

Reified RandomForestRegressor attributes:

Attribute type(v) v.__sizeof__() deep_sklearn_sizeof(v)
_abc_impl _abc._abc_data 48 16
base_estimator sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeRegressor 24 413
base_estimator_ sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeRegressor 24 413
estimator_params tuple 104 657
estimators_ list 296 25126487

The in-memory size of the sample random forest object is 1’650 bytes (1.5 kB) in its initial state, and 25’128’606 bytes (25 MB) in its final fitted state. The estimators_ attribute alone is responsible for 99.9% of the added “weight” (from 0 to 25’126’487 bytes), leaving the other 26 attributes with less than 0.1% (from 1’650 to 2’119 bytes).

Inside the object graph, there are 2 decision tree objects in the initial state, and 31 in the final fitted state.

The in-memory size of fitted decision tree objects ranges from ~805’000 bytes to ~820’000 bytes. The variance stems from the fact that the training data was randomly generated. All the trees are close to fully grown, but some branches of some trees have hit early stopping criteria, leading to small variations in node counts.


The deep_sklearn_sizeof(obj, verbose) utility function has been refactored, and made available in the sklearn2pmml package version 0.87.1 as the sklearn2pmml.util.deep_sizeof(obj, with_overhead, verbose) utility function:

from sklearn2pmml.util import deep_sizeof

memory_size = deep_sizeof(estimator, with_overhead = True, verbose = True)

