Training Scikit-Learn StatsModels pipelines

StatsModels is a Python library that specializes in statistical and time-series analyses.

StatsModels and Scikit-Learn communities have co-existed since early 2010s. Yet, there is virtually no co-operation between the two, even though the potential for synergy is high.

In essence, StatsModels provides low-level tools for formulating and testing statistical hypotheses, whereas Scikit-Learn provides a high-level framework for organizing those tools into coherent and transparent workflows.

StatsModels’ linear models and Scikit-Learn’s linear models are compatible in their fit and predict behaviour, but address different application scenarios:

  StatsModels Scikit-Learn
Audience expert non-expert
Methodology analytical, statistics brute-force ML
Objective configurability scalability and speed
Inspectability “white box” “black box”
Feedback yes no

The biggest differentiator is model introspection capabilities.

StatsModels’ linear models are metadata rich and lend themselves to scrutinization. In contrast, Scikit-Learn’s linear models can only be judged after their live predictive performance. For example, all model selection and evaluation takes place under the assumption that the quality of model configurations is directly proportional to the quality of its predictions. There is no consideration of other aspects such as conformity or complexity.

StatsModels workflow

A sample Scikit-Learn linear regression workflow:

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

lr_params = {...}

estimator = LinearRegression(**lr_params) = X, y = y)

# Basic details

yt = estimator.predict(X = X)

The same, after porting from Scikit-Learn to StatsModels:

from statsmodels.api import OLS

lr_params = {...}

model = OLS(endog = y, exog = X)

results =**lr_params)

# Basic details
# Advanced details


yt = results.predict(exog = X)

A modeling task can be split into task specification and task outcome parts.

Scikit-Learn keeps these two parts together in a singular estimator object. Calling the fit(X, y) method with the training dataset updates the object from the initial state to the fitted state, and enables the use of predict(X) and score(X, y_expected) methods. The fitted state is very lean, and does not include any trace of the training dataset.

In contrast, StatsModels keeps these two parts separate between statsmodels.base.model.Model and statsmodels.base.model.Results objects, respectively.

The Model object is instantiated directly. It holds the base configuration and the training dataset. According to StatsModels conventions, the label data (aka dependent variable aka response) is passed as the endog argument, and the feature data (aka independent variables aka observations) is passed as the exog argument.

A model class can declare one or more fit methods:

Each fit method is backed by one or more modeling algorithms. When calling a fit method, then it will be necessary to pass a rather long and detailed supplementary configuration there (on top of the base configuration) in order to achieve the best performance.

The fit produces a Results object, which holds a (back-)reference to the parent Model object, and a bunch of estimated parameters.

The Model object loses its relevance from this point forward. All the analysis, testing and prediction functionality is commandable using the Results object’s methods.

Scikit-Learn StatsModels wrappers

The working principle of a StatsModels wrapper class:

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator

class StatsModelsEstimator(BaseEstimator):

  def __init__(self, model_class, **init_params):
    self.model_class = model_class
    self.init_params = init_params

  def fit(self, X, y, **fit_params):
    self.model_ = self.model_class(endog = y, exog = X, **self.init_params)
    fit_method = fit_params.pop("fit_method", "fit")
    self.results_ = getattr(self.model_, fit_method)(**fit_params)
    return self

  def predict(self, X, **predict_params):
    return self.results_.predict(exog = X, **predict_params)

The StatsModelsEstimator constructor requests to know the model’s class and its base configuration. This information is stored as-is.

The model_class argument must be some Model class reference. It does not matter if this reference is based on the fully qualified name (eg. statsmodels.regression.linear_model.OLS) or some alias (eg. statsmodels.api.OLS).

The init_params argument is a list of keyword arguments to be passed to the Model constructor at a later time. This list must not include the endog or exog arguments, or any formula interface-related arguments.

The fit(X, y) method performs all the heavy-lifting. First, it constructs the Model object by complementing the base configuration with the newly available training dataset. After that, it determines the fit method by popping a special-purpose fit_method fit param, and then calls it using the remainder of fit params.

The fitted state consists of model_ and results_ attributes.

Sample workflow:

from statsmodels.api import OLS

estimator = StatsModelsEstimator(OLS), y, fit_method = "fit_regularized")


It takes around ten lines of Python code to achieve basic interoperability. However, it will take many times that to reduce the entry barrier from the expert level to the beginner-to-intermediate level, and achieve advanced interoperability so that third-party libraries can accept StatsModels’ linear models as drop-in replacements for Scikit-Learn’s linear models.

The sklearn2pmml package provides sklearn2pmml.statsmodels.StatsModelsClassifier and sklearn2pmml.statsmodels.StatsModelsRegressor models that strive towards maximal Scikit-Learn API compliance.

Selected highlights:

Both StatsModelsClassifier and StatsModelsRegressor classes are registered with the JPMML-SkLearn library. However, the conversion to the PMML representation is only possible if the fitted state operates with Model and Results subclasses that are supported by the underlying JPMML-StatsModels library.

Scikit-Learn pipeline templates

Model formula interface

StatsModels is heavily influenced by the R language. One clear telltale is the habit of specifying modeling tasks in compact symbolic form.

StatsModels relies on the patsy package for its R-compatible re-implementation of model formulae and model design matrices.

The parsing and interpretation of model formulae is tailored for linear models’ needs. For example, the model formula string is assumed to include an implicit intercept term, and the C() categorical encoding operator drops the first category level.

A sample Patsy linear regression workflow:

from sklearn2pmml.statsmodels import StatsModelsRegressor
from statsmodels.api import OLS

import pandas
import patsy

df = pandas.read_csv(...)

# Model formula sides
lhs = ...
rhs = ...

y, X = patsy.dmatrices(lhs + " ~ " + rhs, df, return_type = "dataframe")

regressor = StatsModelsRegressor(OLS, fit_intercept = False), y)


The same, in Scikit-Learn pipeline form:

from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn2pmml.statsmodels import StatsModelsRegressor
from sklego.preprocessing import PatsyTransformer
from statsmodels.api import OLS

import pandas

df = pandas.read_csv(...)

rhs = ...

pipeline = Pipeline([
  ("patsy_transformer", PatsyTransformer(rhs, return_type = "dataframe")),
  ("regressor", StatsModelsRegressor(OLS, fit_intercept = False))
]), df[...])

regressor = pipeline._final_estimator


The sklego package provides the sklego.preprocessing.PatsyTransformer transformer, which learns the model design matrix configuration (patsy.DesignInfo class) during fitting, and then applies it during subsequent transforms. The transformation behaviour is perfectly repeatable across time and space, including in situations where the testing dataset is a subset of the training dataset (eg. a single data sample).

The PatsyTransformer transformer only deals with the right-hand side of the formula. Its output is explicitly converted from patsy.DesignMatrix to pandas.DataFrame in order to ensure smooth passage between Patsy and Scikit-Learn realms.

The first column of the pre-processed dataset is labelled “Intercept” and is filled with constant 1.0 values. The StatsModelsRegressor model is expressly prohibited from introducing an extra constant column by settings its fit_intercept attribute to False.

Data matrix interface

The data matrix interface is about retrofitting existing Scikit-Learn pipelines.

Model substitution is straightforward. The only pitfall relates to regularized fit methods, where StatsModels’ linear models expect direct commanding via fit params:

#from sklearn.linear_model import ElasticNet
from sklearn2pmml.statsmodels import StatsModelsRegressor
from statsmodels.api import OLS

pipeline = Pipeline([
  ("mapper", ...),
  #("regressor", ElasticNet()),
  ("regressor", StatsModelsRegressor(OLS, fit_intercept = True))

fit_params = {
  "regressor__fit_method" : "fit_regularized",
  "regressor__method" : "elastic_net"
}, y, **fit_params)

StatsModels summaries are readily available. However, the default print-out is quite meaningless, because it displays a const term followed by a long list of x1, x2, etc. terms.

The situation can be fixed by proper feature identification.

Scikit-Learn transformers offer rudimentary feature naming support using the get_feature_names_out() method. Calling this method on the last transformer step of a fitted pipeline yields a list of strings that should align perfectly against the above list of anonymized terms.

This process can be fully automated in Scikit-Learn version 1.2.0 and newer using the set_output API:

from sklearn2pmml.statsmodels import StatsModelsRegressor
from statsmodels.api import OLS

pipeline = Pipeline([
  ("mapper", ...),
  ("regressor", StatsModelsRegressor(OLS, fit_intercept = True))
pipeline.set_output(transform = "pandas")

fit_params = {
  "regressor__fit_method" : "fit_regularized",
  "regressor__method" : "elastic_net"
}, y, **fit_params)

regressor = pipeline._final_estimator


The Pipeline.set_output() method propagates the same configuration to all steps. It should be called right after construction.

Scikit-Learn generates less intuitive feature names than Patsy.

The results of some transformer step can be highlighted by prepending a unique feature name prefix to them. This can be implemented by wrapping the transformer into a sklearn.compose.ColumnTransformer object:

from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures

def make_prefixer(transformer, name):
  return ColumnTransformer([
    (name, transformer, lambda X: X.columns.values)

interactor = make_prefixer(PolynomialFeatures(degree = 2, interaction_only = True), "ix1")

The interaction features of the interactor object will now be easily identifiable in StatsModels summaries by their "ix1__" prefix.
